Thursday, January 2, 2025

various "thoughts"

gladiator 2 was a cheap,boring mess & really not worth talking about.

so many movies are disappointing these days. you'd think since white men are in charge & so much smarter than everybody else that they wouldnt make such shitty movies/tv shows.

i see males being even more violent than usual & everybody pretending like we dont know what the problem is. good job, dummies!

i guess it all keeps coming back to ancient rome & their bread + circuses. good thing americans are anti intellectual & have no idea what happened in history(or even 20 years ago).

someone tried to insinuate that i am addicted to drugs but i am only addicted to beautiful clothing.

white supremacy is a death cult.

there will be A LOT of famous people dying this year. no,i will not elaborate :-)

Sunday, December 15, 2024

timestalker 2024 movie review

 it hasnt even been 5 minutes of me watching & timestalker is one of the best movies ive seen in years. i dont know who tf alice lowe is(though ive seen her in bandersnatch & garth marenghi)& i dont know whats going on but i love it.

"save me from my empty existence". this is hitting a little too close to home. its very telling how the only positive relationship she has is with her female friend. tanya reynolds is very talented, i enjoy seeing her work. this movie isnt perfect but its funny af & the truth it tells will go over a lot of heads.

Monday, November 25, 2024

the rockstar who rapes

i was auditioning an old white male to be my husband. he was about 60 & very rich, i will call him lou. we were talking & he says, "oh i see you know the rockstar ashley?" & i say yes. lou asks "you know ashley is a rapist?" & i say "yes, everybody knows ashley rapes & yes i believe his victims".

lou says, "i left ashley alone with my ex girlfriend & he raped her". i said that was horrible. now at this point a normal person wouldve changed the subject but, of course, lou had to explain to me in great detail what happened to his ex. i change the subject. lou changes it back to the rape. 




i can tell he's getting worked up & i'm getting the feeling that he left her alone in his mansion with ashley on purpose. when the "conversation" is over, i block lou. the worst part is that this is normal. i always warn women not to talk about past abuse because males will never be empathetic, it will just be something else for him to masturbate to. men dont care. if men cared, rape would not still be a thing.

Sunday, September 29, 2024

jack the ripper


ive been obsessed with jack the ripper since i was a child. many millions of years ago,i made my 1st trip to london & (of course) went on a jack the ripper tour. it upset me greatly how the tour guide was so fixated on the prurient, he was so disrespectful, & kept saying the victims were prostitutes & somehow deserved it because they were prostitutes.

the thing is, though most of the victims werent prostitutes, just homeless. he was able to kill them so quietly because they were asleep on the sidewalk (not because he was otherworldly or the best serial killer ever). their only sin was being poor & born a woman.

"history is written by the victors"

i see it all the time in the way women/black people are written about yet not one negative word is said about males or white people(funny how that works). anyway, i had a point to make but im tired & in the grand scheme of things it does not matter. "the five" is a great book about the jack the ripper victims & tells the true story of their short lives.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Beetlejuice Beetlejuice 2 movie review


Beetlejuice is one of my favorite movies & yes ive been waiting impatiently this entire time for the sequel. tim burton has been showing his ass lately about being anti black & hasnt had a good movie since edward scissorhands but i will ignore that for a second because i need my keaton/Beetlejuice fix.

i leave early & get there an hour late. i use 2 phones to take pictures & absolutely none of the pictures were actually taken. i was very close to just going back home & the vibes were severely off.

Beetlejuice 2 was ok. was it worth the wait? no. was it bad? not really. would i watch it again? probably not

all of the new characters were a waste of time except monica bellucci. i am a huge willem dafoe fan & he added absolutely nothing to this movie. im glad to see burn gorman is still booked & busy,tim burton should use him more often. justin therouxs lacefront wig was so bad & you could see the lace crinkling from the glue. i wonder if that was his personal toupee or if a "professional" installed it. there is no reason in the world why im still seeing gluey goopy lacefronts in 2024. 

i dont like how they made fake charles a recurring character. he wasnt needed at all,just have the funeral & get on with the movie.

i was expecting new exquisite goth lewks but all they gave was kmart chic & middle aged lydia in a recreation of her schoolgirl outfit. it wouldve made more sense to have astrid in the school uniform since they INSISTED on calling back to that. delia in her crone era wouldve been even more weird but they gave her no lewks, either.i see they are already trying to make astrids marie curie halloween costume a thing but it wasnt even cute or accurate. the only actual lewk(besides lydias ripoff elvira gown) was beetlejuices iconic striped suit(which wasnt even updated).

even with the internet no teens are going to know what james deans "rebel without a cause" outfit looks like(nor would a teen from the 1990s). these dummies think bonnie & clyde were fictional(yes, really) so im doubtful they would even know who james dean was(they know james deen but not dean kthanxbye).

i feel like the "soul train" part was tim burton being petty because 40 years later white people finally realized he never casts black people. so he decided to do so but only have them dancing & wearing afro wigs(because of course). im actually surprised he didnt shoe horn in some tap dancing, watermelon eating, & a couple of raccoons for a little razzle dazzle.

Saturday, August 31, 2024



i went to a party & ran into my agent with his new client, an older white actress i will call debby. debby had been in most of my favorite childhood films & i was excited to meet her. i did nothing offensive & as soon as our agent walked away she decided to be as racist & as rude as possible.

a year goes by & i hear that debbys savings were stolen by scammers & she was almost homeless. the best part was that i knew those scammers. they were very hot gay men who stole from women/men who wanted to be their sugarmamas. debby had always been unattractive & usually played the ugly friend. she was at least old enough to be their grandma but in typical white woman fashion she thought these young gay males actually wanted her. if i had been her friend, i couldve warned her against hanging out with the scammers but she thought being racist was more important than making a new friend that day..........

Thursday, December 7, 2023

boys will be boys or #ripamie


every time i open tinder i see his profile first so i know he's already swiped right on me. gareth is technically good looking but not my type.his eyes are dark & blank like a shark.i keep swiping left on him,i can do better. after about a year i am bored & decide to give him a chance. i swipe right. we talk. he is trying VERY hard to be quirky & fun & its like talking to a robot pretending to be human. our conversation tapers out when he begins to stalk his ex girlfriend again. she contacts the cops & despite her having multiple restraining orders against him, they ignore her. boys will be boys. he tries to woo me online, then the next day gareth pursehouse throws amie harwick off a balcony & kills her.

i am sharing this story because women are always told to ignore our intuition, lower our standards, & give these "good guys" a chance. i wish i could say this was the only time a man who killed a woman he claimed to love then tried to date me but this isnt even my most interesting story. 

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

various musings from the former muse


i was so excited when i heard that i had been cast in the last movie i worked on. that was a while ago & i still have not seen that movie. it seems like a lot of my life is like that, i get excited then absolutely nothing happens.

my favorite holiday is halloween/my birthday but i havent celebrated it in years. maybe this year? probably not but dreams are free.

i always forget i have "fans" & that i was on tv & thats why strangers think they know me.

6 degrees of separation is so real here in hollywood. so many former friends who are connected & they dont see but i see.i am the missing puzzle piece that brings it all together & only i know where the bodies are buried.

i stopped having dreams years ago when i started taking sleeping pills. my dreams have come back recently but its only the same dream over & over. i am dead,i have died, but no one knows,not even me. i get up & work, i eat, my schedule is the same but i am dead. im sure a therapist would have a lot to say about that

a complete stranger came up to me & said he liked that i was natural & didnt have plastic surgery. natural is a word that i would NEVER use to describe myself so that was weird & unsettling.....

Monday, September 18, 2023

Jeanne du Barry review


ive seen damn near every english language movie/tv show about the french kings & i still mix up the mistresses/kings so this might be confusing(for me and you,lol).the problem is too many are named louis but that is a rant for another time. i cannot stand johnny depp but i have a huge versailles shaped hole in my heart so...

im going to assume the narrator is johnny & its really irking me.a film about a woman should have HER as the narrator, not some man (especially not one who did not even love her). 6 minutes in & this movie has already given me a headache.

johnnys french isnt that great but it isnt as bad as i thought it would be. none of the casting makes sense. johnny depp looks even more like a corpse in that makeup plus he isnt french nor does he look anything like the king.if i can hear his american accent when speaking french, then i know actual french people can hear it. & i get you dont have to be the most beautiful woman to be the kings mistress but maiwenn literally looks like a chimp(no offense cause i know the french have different taste than we do).its a movie so i have to suspend disbelief but come onnnnnnnn.

her future husbands family getting excited when shes about to go fvck the king makes me feel some type of way.the majority of wedding dresses before queen victoria were not white so its annoying when they do it in movies. maiwenns irl son plays the dauphin & he looks just as inbred as she does. this movie is boring but i am enjoying the sets & costumes. its a movie about jeanne but jeanne is a mystery. 

i like how she enters the room & somebody whispers "what a slut". the king gives her a slave child named zamor.she is basically treating this boy like a puppy & i want to vomit. irl he snitched on her in the french revolution & got her executed. good for him! its weird how in the scene with the princesses they try to set them up as racist but it was jeanne who owned him so how clean could her hands have been? they may have talked about a slave while she owned one. you would think since maiwenn is the director she wouldve made her part better but most of this is just a self drag & she does nothing more than giggle or look cross eyed into the camera.

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

a star is born

 feeling a bit nostalgic since so many exs have crawled out of the woodworks lately.i dont know if ive told this story before,but since this is my blog,i can do what i want. this is the story of how i was "discovered". 

by this time i'd already done a reality tv show with corey feldman that i assume was never on tv(i really have no idea).i had been on other tv shows & had small parts in independent movies. mtv was doing a wrestling show & somehow i had been invited backstage. i had a crush on one of the wrestlers(did he invite me? i dont remember). i do remember feeling pissed because the wrestler had been rude. an unattractive, boring man had been following me around backstage. since he refused to leave me alone, i told him to be useful, & demanded that he get on his knees & rub my feet(which he did).

the annoying man said(while he was rubbing my feet), "by the way, im the casting director at mtv & i would like for you to go to dinner with me tomorrow, then come to my office to audition the next day". i say ok & he leaves. we go to dinner,i get wasted as per usual, & the next morning i am at his office to audition for "rock of love"(no casting couch shenanigans but yes today he wouldve definitely have been canceled).they were acting like i was the 2nd coming of jesus, they had never seen someone so funny. a star is born!